
Em breve!


Esta página destina-se à avaliação de algumas letras e à descrição e exposição das mesmas.


Sobre a Música:
A canção abroda a cultura de consumo americana em 1990 e no inicio do ano 2000, sendo uma crítica à sociedade consumista. A canção tem como tema geral a frase: All we ever want is more (tudo o que nós queremos é mais). A canção refere que se vive num mundo ganancioso em que se ensina desde cedo as crianças a ganhar o máximo de dinheiro que conseguirem e depois a gastá-lo futilmente, fala da criação do cartão de crétito (o mal de muita gente), no gastar desenfreadamente mesmo dinheiro que não temos e depois na necessidade de empréstimos, nas dívidas,etc. Chegando a afirmar: Our religon is to go and blow it all ( a nossa religião é ir e torrar tudo) referindo-se ao dinheiro nesta última. A canção termina com a afirmação de que vamos viver como reis cheios de dinheiro e coisas. A palavra Ka-ching! é calão para o nome que se dá ao barulho da máquina registadora a registar.

We live in a greedy little world
That teaches every little boy an girl
To earn as much as they can possibly
Then turn around and spend it foolishly

We've created us a credit card mess
We spend the money that we don't possess
Our religon is to go and blow it all
So it's shopping every sunday at the mall
All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store

Can you hear it ring?
It makes you wanna sing
It's such a beautiful thing ka-chang!
With lots of diamond rings
The happiness it brings
You'll live like a king
With lots of money and things

When you're broke
Go and get a loan
Take out another mortgage on your home
Consolidate so you can afford
To go and spend some more when you
Get bored

All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store

Repeat chorus

Let's swing
Dig deeper in your pocket
Oh, yeah, ha
Come on i know you've got it
Dig deeper in your wallet

All we ever want is more
Alot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store

Repeat chorus

Can you hear it ring?
It makes you wanna sing
You'll live like a king
With lot's of money and things

 …………………………………………………… ♥ …………………………………………………

She´s Not Just A Pretty Face

Sobre a Música:
Como a própria música indica, pretende-se exaltar que a mulher não é apenas uma cara bonita, que existe muito mais para além da beleza, inclusive capacidades muita grandes e até multifunções.

She´s Not Just A Pretty Face
(oh, na, na, na)

She hosts a tv show - she rides the rodeo
She plays the bass in a band
She´s an austronaut -
A valet at the parking lot
A farmer working the land
She is a champion - she gets the gold
She´s a ballerina - the star of the show

She´s - not - just a pretty face
She´s - got - everything it takes

She has a fashion line -
A journalist for time
Coaches a football team
She´s a geologist - a romance novelist
She is a mother of three
She is a soldier - she is a wife
She is a surgeon - she´ll save your life

She´s - not - just a pretty face
She´s - got - everything it takes
She´s - mother - of the human race
She´s - not - just a pretty face

She is your waitress - she is your judge -
She is your teacher
She is every woman in the world

Oh, la, la, la
She flies an aeroplane -
She drives a subway train
At night she pumps gasoline
She´s on the council - she´s on the board
She´s a politician - she praises the lord

(Repeat second chorus)

No,she´s(she´s) not(not)
Just a pretty face
She´s(she´s) got(got) - everything it takes
She´s not just a pretty face

 …………………………………………………… ♥ …………………………………………………


Sobre a Música:
A música fala de um outro eu da mulher, de um outro lado, fala de personalidade que como sabem tem muitas facetas e aconselha a que se dê liberdade a uma dessas facetas para que a abraçemos totalmente ou apenas a conheçamos melhor, neste caso a que ela chama Juanita, uma personagem que ela criou associada à liberdade de escolha, à liberdade em geral e que ao econtrá-la que a parte do eu reprimida se liberte permitindo também libertar aquela que é por assim dizer a maioritária.

She is the restless river
running trough my veins
she rides without the reins -
her name´s Juanita
She lives in the heart of every
woman in the world
Within the reach of every girl
who wants to meet her

(She´s gonna ridin´ through)
Her name´s Juanita
(She´s gonna be ridin´ free) She´s ridin free
(She´s gonna be inside of you, gonna be
inside of me) She´s inside of you and inside of me, yeah

Go with her - flow with her
dream with her - scream with her
let her take over, or just get to know her
be everything you can be
if you can find her and free her
Juanita will unchain your heart

When someone tries to take
awy the freedom of your choice
to take away your voice -
that´s when you need her
She´s there if you dare to give
your broken wings a try
Come on and take leap and fly,
and you can be her


Oh, go with her - flow with her
dream with her - scream with her
let her take over, or just get to know her
Be everything you can be


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In My Car (I'll Be The Driver)

Sobre a Música:
A música fala da necessidade da mulher tomar o controlo de algo, neste caso é do caso, em que no seu carro ela é que é a condutora, ele pode escolher o canal de televisão, fazer-lhe dores de cabeças com o seu rock preferido, pode furar-lhe os sapatos,etc que para ela esta tudo bem mas no seu carro já sabe quem manda (podendo ser interpretado como uma metáfora em que o que se quer dizer é que na sua vida ela é que manda, direccionado para uma certa liberdade)

In My Car (I'll Be The Driver)
You can choose the channel when we're watchin' the TV
Oh babe - it's okay
And you can pick the flavor when we're orderin' ice cream
I don't mind - yeah that's fine
I'd do hoo hoo anything for you hoo hoo

Ah, it's all right if you sleep with your socks on

Oh babe - it's okay
And you can hurt my head with your favorite rock song
I don't mind - yeah that's fine
For you hoo hoo there's nothin' that I wouldn't do hoo hoo
You can put a hole in my shoe

But in my car -

I'll be the driver
In my car -

I'm in control
In my car -

I come alive and
In my car -

I am the driver
Watch me now!

You can blame me when you run outta razors

Oh babe - it's okay
And I will run around when you ask me for favors
I don't mind - yeah that's fine
For you hoo hoo there's nothin' that I wouldn't do hoo hoo
You can put a hole in my shoe

Chorus - repeat

Instrumental Solo

I don't mind if you think you're the strong one
Oh babe - it's okay
And you can have your way, honey, even when you're wrong
I don't mind - yeah that's fine
For you hoo hoo there's nothin' that I wouldn't do hoo hoo
You can put a hole in my shoe

Chorus - repeat

Not you hoo hoo

Not you hoo hoo

Not you hoo hoo

Yeah in my car -

I'll be the driver

 …………………………………………………… ♥ …………………………………………………

 I Ain't No Quitter

Sobre a Música:
Esta música fala daquilo a que se chama não desistir de um alma perdida, ou seja Shania afirma que não é uma derrotada, que apesar dos defeitos dele, ela não desiste de o tentar mudar (para melhor) afirmando até que é tão teimosa como uma criança pode ser e que conseguirá fazer com que ele mude os seus maus hábitos que são descritos aos longo da música.

I Ain't No Quitter
I Ain't No Quitter
He drinks, he smokes,
he curses, swears and tells bad jokes
And he ropes, and he rides,
he lives life fast and loves to fight
He's a booser, a looser,
he calls me up when he's had too much
He's a schemer, a dreamer
I tell him to change his ways,
but he just turns, to me and says,
I (I) ain't (ain't) no quitter
I ain't givin' up on him just yet,
'cause I'm as stubborn as a girl can get
No he won't quit, but you can bet,
sticking to it , I (I) ain't (ain't),
I ain't no quitter
Well he chews, and he spits,
well he flirts too much and he loves blond chicks
And he struts, and he strolls(?),
he looks so cool and yep he knows!
He's a beauty, a cutie,
his body rocks and the girls they flock
He's afflicted, addicted
I tell him to change his ways,
but he just turns to me and says,
I (I) ain't (ain't) no quitter
No, I ain't givin' up on him just yet,
hmm, 'cause I'm as stubborn as a girl can get
No he won't quit, but you can bet
sticking to it , I (I) ain't (ain't),
I ain't no quitter
Ooh, his body rocks and the girls they flock,
he's afflicted, addicted
I tell him to change his ways,
but he just turns to me and says,
I (I) ain't (ain't) no quitter
I ain't givin' up on him just yet,
'cause I'm as stubborn as a girl can get
No, I ain't givin' up on him just yet,
hmm, 'cause I'm as stubburn as a girl can get
No he won't quit, but you can bet
sticking to it , I (I) ain't (ain't),
Yeah, I ain't no quitter
Oh even I (I) ain't (ain't) quitter
Hmm yeah, I (I) ain't (ain't),
yeah, I ain't no quitter!

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God Bless The Child

Sobre a Música:
Esta música é direccionada para as crianças e para sensibilizar o público para este tipo de assutos, embarca um tema religioso, é uma prece para que Deus abençoe as crianças, os jovens sem mães, para que permita o homem ajudar o próximo, para que todos nós nos amemos uns aos outros e para que encha os nossos corações cegos de cor (sendo que cor é no sentido de luz, da iluminação, da descoberta do verdadeiro caminho, do bem).

God Bless The Child
Hallelujah, hallelujah
God bless the child who suffers
Hallelujah, hallelujah
God bless the young without mothers
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Let every man help his brother
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Let us all love one another
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Make all our hearts blind to colour
Hallelujah, hallelujah
God bless the child who suffers

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Forget Me

Sobre a Música:
Esta música fala sobre um acontecimento muito comum que é quando um casal se separa depois ambas as partes falam com os amigos sobre o outro (e não é dizer bem), na música Shania refere que não vale a pena ir falar com os amigos sobre um coisa que já passou, quando acaba acaba, tem de se enterrar o passado e esquecer pois não é por ir falara com os amigos que tudo muda.


Forget Me
Don't go around talkin' to your friends about me
Bury the past, just let it rest in peace
Leave well enough alone
Treat me like someone you've never known

Forget me
Like you forgot to come home at night
Forget me
Like you forgot to hold me tight
(Well) now you're sorry, now you cry
But don't you wipe those tears
'Til your memories run dry
Please forget me

Don't let the lonely days remind you of anything
Oh baby try to erase the fact we had everything
No you can't come back this time
So let me slip right out of your mind

Forget me
Like you forgot to come home at night
Forget me
Like you forgot to hold me tight
(Well) now you're sorry, now you cry
But don't you wipe those tears
'Til your memories run dry
Please forget me
'Cause I forgot to forgive and forget
So just pretend we never met

Forget me
Like you forgot to come home at night
Forget me
Like you forgot to hold me tight
(Well) now you're sorry, now you cry
But don't you wipe those tears
'Til your memories run dry
Please forget me

Baby, please forget me
Forget me

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Come On Over

Sobre a Música:
A música basicamente fala sobre o ciúme, podendo ser interpretada como um conselho para o público masculino (mas também feminino) para que, neste caso o homem tenha mais confiança na mulher e não ser ciumento em excesso. Shania refere que não se deve tirar conclusões precipitadas, na realidade apela à paciência e a um certa liberdade que tem de existir num relacionamento.

Don't Be Stupid (you Know I Love You)
You're so complicated--you hang over my shoulder
When i read my mail
I don't appreciate it
When i talk to other guys
You think they're on my tail
I get so aggravated when i get off the phone
And get the third degree
I'm really feelin' frustrated
Why don't you take a pill and put a little trust in me
And you'll see
Bridge 1:
Don't freak out until you know the facts
Don't be stupid--you know i love you
Don't be ridiculous--you know i need you
Don't be absurd--you know i want you
Don't be impossible
Bridge 2:
I'm mad about you (i'm mad about you)
Can't live without you (can't live without you)
I'm crazy 'bout you (i'm crazy 'bout you)
So don't be stupid--you know i love you
Stop overreacting
You even get suspicious when i paint my nails
It's definitely distracting
The way you dramatize every little small detail
Don't freak out until you know the facts
(bridge 2)
Don't be stupid-- you're my baby
(bride 2)

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Come On Over

Sobre a Música:
Esta música dirige-se mesmo ao público, dando alguns conselhos do tipo: arranja uma vida, encontra um rumo, toma o controlo da tua vida, segue o conselho de alguém que conheças, também demonstra que nós temos a liberdade de escolher (Make up your mind, you can choose | When you're up | When you're down), que devemos fazer planos para vida e segui-los sem desistir enquanto podermos e que devemos nos sentir felizes por sermos quem somos.

Come On Over
Get a life
Get a grip
Get away somewhere, take a trip

Take a break
Take control
Take advice from someone you know

Come on over
Come on in
Pull up a seat, take a load off your feet

Come on over
Come on in
You can unwind
Take a load off your mind

Make a wish
Make a move
Make up your mind, you can choose
When you're up
When you're down
When you need a laugh come around


Oh, oh, oh...
Be a winner
Be a star
Be happy to be who you are
Gotta be yourself
Gotta make a plan
Gotta go for it while you can


Get a life
Get a grip
Get away somewhere, take a trip

Take a break
Take control
Take advice from someone you know

Oh, oh, oh...

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Black Eyes, Blue Tears

Sobre a Música:
Esta música é um pouco mais profunda porque aborda um assunto que é uma realidade na vida de muitas mulheres e se calhar até de homens e crianças, o assunto é a violência doméstica. É um tema especialmente doloroso para Shania pois ela foi a adolescente que ajudou a mãe a fugir várias vezes para pôr fim à violência doméstica na sua casa, deferida pelo seu padrasto. A música fala de abrir os olhos e tomar uma atitude, contrariamente à situação da sua mãe que voltava sempre para casa, desta forma Shania tenta alertar as mulheres para que enfrentem a situação: Black eyes--I don't need 'em ( Olhos negros, não preciso deles) | Blue tears--gimme freedom (lágrimas tristes, dêem-me liberdade) | Black eyes--all behind me ( Olhos negros, atrás de mim) | Blue tears'll never find me now (lágrimas tristes nunca mais me encontrarão agora)
A música acaba com a frase: Find your self-esteem and be forever free to dream. ( Acha a tua auto estima e sê para sempre livre de sonhar)

Black Eyes, Blue Tears
Black Eyes, Blue Tears
Black eyes, I don't need 'em
Blue tears, gimme freedom
Positively never goin' back
I won't live where things are so out of whack
No more rollin' with the punches
No more usin' or abusin'
I'd rather die standing
Than live on my knees
Begging please--no more
Black eyes--I don't need 'em
Blue tears--gimme freedom
Black eyes--all behind me
Blue tears'll never find me now
Definitely found my self-esteem
Finally--I'm forever free to dream
No more cryin' in the corner
No excuses--no more bruises
I'd rather die standing
Than live on my knees, begging please...
It's all behind me, they'll never find me now
Find your self-esteem and be forever free to dream

…………………………………………………… ♥ …………………………………………………

Any Man Of Mine

Sobre a Música:
A música prende-se com um conselho para o público masculino, a música inicia-se com a frase This is what a woman wants... (Isto é o que uma mulher precisa ou deseja) e depois ao longo começa a listar: continuar a amar independentemente da mulher estar feia, desculpar um atraso para o encontro, desdizer sempre que a mulher diz que engordou, concordar com as suas opiniões sempre mesmo que elas mudem muitas vezes, conceder momentos provocantes, discordar quando a mulher afirma que outra tem melhor aparência, dizer que gosta da comida mesmo que esteja horrível,etc.

Any Man Of Mine
This is what a woman wants...
Any man of mine better be proud of me
Even when I'm ugly he still better love me
And I can be late for a date that's fine
But he better be on time
Any man of mine'll say it fits just right
When last year's dress is just a little too tight
And anything I do or say better be okay
When I have a bad hair day
And if I change my mind
A million times
I wanna hear him say
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah I like that way


Any man of mine better walk the line
Better show me a teasin' squeezin' pleasin' kinda time
I need a man who knows, how the story goes
He's gotta be a heartbeatin' fine treatin'
Breathtakin' earthquakin' kind
Any man of mine
Well any man of mine better disagree
When I say another woman's lookin' better than me
And when I cook him dinner and I burn it black
He better say, hummm, I like it like that
And if I change my mind
A million times
I wanna hear him say
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I like it that way

(Repeat Chorus)

Let me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah I like it that way

(Repeat Chorus)

You gotta shimmy shake
Make the earth quake
Kick, turn, stomp, stomp, then you jump
Heel to toe, Do Si Do
`Til your feet And your backache
Keep it movin' `till you just can't take anymore
Come on everybody on the floor
A-one two, a three four
Hup two, hup
If you wanna be a man of mine, that's right
This is what a woman wants...

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Ain't No Particular Way

Sobre a Música:
Esta música fala sobre o amor, de que não se consegue fugir dele e que quando aparece não existe uma maneira específica de aparecer, nem uma hora especifica, nem um momento especifico apenas toda a gente terá a hipótese de o encontrar e que não deve desisitir de o procurar.

Ain't No Particular Way
(Here it comes
Mmm, the thing about love)

Love has a way to find ya
Sneaks up right behind ya
There ain't no particular way
You don't know when it's gonna
Come runnin' 'round the corner
There ain't no particular way
So, don't give up (don't give up
on love till you get your share)--
You're gonn get your share
The thing about love (The thing about
love is it's)--is that it's everywhere

There ain't nowhere it won't hide
(There ain't nowhere it won't hide)
There ain't no speed it won't drive
(There ain't no speed in won't drive)
There ain't no law it won't break
(There ain't no law it won't break)
There ain't no chance it won't take
There ain't no, no particular way

Oh, it could come so fast it fools ya
Might take its time to move ya
There ain't no particular way
It might just drift in while you're dreaming
It don't sleep, always schemin'
There ain't no particular way

So, don't give up (don't give up
on love 'til you get your share)--
You're gonna get your share
The thing about love (The thing about
love is it's)--is that it's everywhere

[Repeat Chorus]

You can't hide, oh
(There ain't no time) It comes when you least expect it--
(There ain't no day)
When you thought you'd been rejected
(There ain't no how)(There ain't no way)
There ain't no particular way
(There ain't no why)
Love ain't for just the lucky
(There ain't no when)
It's there for everybody
(There ain' no what)
There ain't no particular way
(There ain't no way)

So, don't give up (don't give up
on love 'til you get your share)--
You're gonna get your share
The thing about love (The thing about
love is it's)--is that it's everywhere

[Repeat Chorus (1.5x)]

(There ain't no time) yeah, yeah, yeah
(There ain't no day)
(There ain't no how) There ain't no way
(There ain't no when) There ain't no time
(There ain't no what)(There ain't no way)
Oh, there ain't no way!

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(If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here!

Sobre a Música:
A música fala sobre o interesse dos homens pelas mulheres geralmente não ser por amor, pretendendo alertar o público feminino para a mesma rotina dos homens, a canção refere-se ao mesmo de sempre: para as mulheres vem sempre primeiro o amor enquanto para os homens as expressões típicas são: He says some´ll be a star In the back seat of my car (Ele diz vem ser uma estrela no banco de trás do meu carro) ou I'll be on number 409 if you'll change your mind ( Estarei no número 409 se mudares de ideias).

(If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here!
Mind if i sit down?
Can i buy you a round?
Haven't I seen your face before
Are you new in town?

Is the same old line
Oh every time
Are you here alone?
Can i take you home?

Now every woman sees
With every pretty face
Oh there's a pair of lyin' eyes
And a set of keys
He says some´ll be a star
In the back seat of my car
Oh but baby slow down
You're gonna away too far

Let me make it clear to you, my dear, yeah...
If you're not in it for love
If you're not willin' to givin' all you got
If you're not in it for life, if you're not in it for love
Let me make it clear to you my dear, yeah
If you're not in it for love, i'm outta here

Babe, I can change your world
Make you a cover girl
Yeah you could be a beauty queen in a magazine
Now tell me, what's your sign?
Oh always the same old line
I'll be on number 409 if you'll change your mind


Why Not? With Shania Twain Legendado

+ Shania



© 2014 Shania Twain Brasil - Shania Twain Portugal. All rights resevered.